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Government Of Assam Handloom Textiles & Sericulture Directorate of Sericulture

Food Plants of Silkworm

Each of the silkworm species is specific in its feeding habits. Cultivation of Silkworm food plants is an agricultural activity. Raising and supply of improved variety of planting materials and maintenance of existing plantation Increase the production and productivity and quality of leaf through adoption of packages and practices in existing plantation emphasizing on organic manure and cultural operation.

Food plant of Mulberry silkworm

Mulberry silkworm is a monophagous insect which reared on the leaves of mulberry only; the morin present in the leaves helps to attract the silkworm.

Classification of mulberry:

  1. Division (Phylum): Phanerodgams (flowering plants)
  2. Sub-Division (Sub-phylum): Anglosperms
  3. Class: Dicots
  4. Order: Urticales
  5. Family: Moracease
  6. Genus: Morus
  7. Species: Morus alba