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Government Of Assam Handloom Textiles & Sericulture Directorate of Sericulture

Diseases of Silkworm

Grasserie (Phula Rog)

It is a viral diseases caused by Borrelina virus, less common in eri silkworm.


  1. High temp. & RH
  2. Feeding of polyhedra contaminated leaves
  3. Poor ventilation & sanitation
  4. Improper bed cleaning
  5. Feeding of tender & wet leaves
  6. Accumulation of faeces
  7. Overcrowding of worms


  1. Sluggish movement
  2. Worms restless
  3. Skin shiny
  4. Loss of clasping power
  5. Hang upside down
  6. Intersegmental swelling
  7. Skin turns yellowish
  8. Rectal protrusion
  9. Soiling of anal region

Control measures:

  1. Effective disinfection of rearing house/ appliances
  2. Avoid overcrowding
  3. Proper sanitation & hygiene
  4. Avoid feeding tender leaves to maturing worms
  5. Proper bed cleaning
  6. Avoid accumulation of excreta
  7. Destroy diseased worms &
  8. Sprinkling of Bleaching powder+lime at 1:9 ratio